About us
Interesting Times is a World of Warcraft guild on the Horde side of Chamber of Aspects (EU) server
We're a casual "friends & family"-type of guild. We're fairly serious about playing the game only for fun!
Mature (more like old)
We have a core group of older, laid back players with experience. Real life always comes first and bring the player not the class
Raiding ethos
Our ethos can be summed up as ‘Respectful Raiding’. Embrace the wipes and disenchant your ego. We always use personal loot and share surplus gear.
Social events
Aside from raiding we also host other events for pet battles, treasure hunts and of course the infamous death race!
Other games
We also have a steam group setup and we dabble with board games. At the very least we talk a lot about other games and books.